Presentation Evening Friday 13th May
Dress code - Shirt and Club Tie for players and Coaches, smart dress for parents and other supporters
7pm doors open - drinks and Mingling
7.30pm Welcome and Overview of the season including Pink Tour
7.45pm Outline coming season - Coaching team, possible U15s tour etc
8- 8.30pm Buffet - Each player / family to contribute to food, Phil will text you very soon to let you know what you will be asked to bring), more Drinks and Mingling
8.30pm - 10pm individual player presentation Club awards and perhaps a few of our own - best tourist etc.
10pm onwards more drinks and mingling
Who shall be presented the Players "Player of the Year" Award?
Who has earned the coverted Coaches "Player of the Year" Award?
It could be you! See you there.